
OCA Platform
The OCA Platform unites the organisations that champion, grow, supply, and buy organic cotton and we facilitate their collaboration to accelerate change and deliver real impact at farm level.

oca platform
oca platform

What is the OCA Platform?

When organisations join OCA, they become Contributors and part of the OCA Platform, which unites the key players in the organic cotton supply chain around a common mission. Together, we can challenge ‘business as usual’, empowering farmers, increasing global organic cotton supply and providing a roadmap for systemic change.

By working with OCA, our Contributors ensure supply security, transparency and impact. It gives them access to a network that helps them achieve their sustainability goals while contributing to reinventing the cotton industry for good. But that’s just the beginning. As we expand the organic cotton sector, we will continue to call on all players, collaborating to future-proof our industry.

Reasons to join us

OCA Contributors share our belief in the Organic Cotton Effect, and they know that for organic cotton to deliver positive impact at scale, we need to shift from competitive advantage to a common agenda and from individual action to collective investment. This is why you should join them:

Move the Market

Join a community of engaged pioneers across the entire value chain from field to fashion. All Contributors are dedicated to building a healthy and resilient organic cotton sector.

Inspiring Insights

Access marketing intelligence from our programmes that will provide you with valuable insights to improve your in-house performance and innovation.

Support Innovation

Invest in collaborative efforts to develop the latest innovations in sustainable organic cotton sourcing and traceability.

Best Practices

Gain valuable insights from diverse stakeholders as they share their best practices and learnings in our webinars and workshops.

Set the Agenda

Shape the sector agenda with other Contributors and strengthen your storytelling on your sustainability efforts with validated impact data.

Invest in Farmers

Support better livelihoods and working conditions for organic cotton farmers and farm workers.

Meet our Contributors

Founding Partners


Partnering Seed Producers

Partner with us

To truly unleash organic cotton’s potential for positive impact, we need a united sector. Join us in our mission to deliver positive change to farmers, brands and customers who want to know their purchases are backing a fair and sustainable industry.